Wonders I have begun
The tribes I had to faked
The lies I had to make
They begin
And to feel me up
Uncover too long too far
I always get stuck
I Wonder who I am
Where does the river run
Is it still late to end what has begun
Should stay or run away and far away behind the Son
The struggle is too great
Is it really never too late
I move when I think
Baby face is what I like
I know that it hurts
But that's life
Everyone cries
Everyone dies
Everyone’s still learning to fly
Should I throw the sticks
When I don't have to catch them
Do I really want too
What's the problem with man
Is it he himself he can not understand
Can he solve the mysteries of the universe
Can he never understand
What it means to be man
Not wanting
Not trying
Not needing
I understand
I am
Saint Andrews
July 26th 2021